About Me

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Makati, Philippines
I am extremely complex. It would take a genius to comprehend such thoughts running in my mind. I am not a psycho though or at least not yet... I have no interest in killing people... I mean not all people, just some. I was not even once considered as simple. I may be an angel or a devil, both characters are residing deep within me. It only depends to the person I am with to bring which character suited to deal with him. I have huge problem in expressing what I really feel specially to those I really care about. I tend to say " you're such a stupid klutz" when I really mean "take Care". I prefer to be cynical when it comes to Love, but I'm a very positive person to almost everything else. I don't hold back negative thoughts, I always say them out loud =) I am constantly trying to change for the better. It is harder than it seems but at least I'm doing something about it

February 27, 2013

Looking back at 2012

My 2012 was one of my 'good year.' If I will compare it to 'suck-a-lot 2011,'

2012 is my Chase career's turning point. After more than two years of 'only God knows how to call it' my life finally turn for the better.

Looking back, I've made a lot of wrong choices but hell! It feels so right at that time so... KEBS!!
It's like 'shopping' while you are at it, every fiber of your body is shouting for joy, the ecstatic feeling is overflowing.  That's why even if you have to skip 'lunch' or some 'breaks' you just don't care.

Most of my 2012 was more of a routine. It was okay. It was good.

My 2013 has just started and if 2012 is good I will see to it that 2013 is better.